Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday Check-in and Experiment Results

I'm still hitting my daily word count goals, which crept up again on Monday from 750 to 1000/day. Last night my main character Logan was down in the company's research & development lab, talking to Sir Isaac Newton about weapons to hunt demons & gods with. Someday you might even get to read this. :)

In the experiment I ran on Sunday's check-in:
  • I had 48 views and 12 comments, which leads me to believe only 25% of my viewers are real people (or people that can be bothered to leave a comment - Thank you all!
Among the commentators who played along:
  • 3 views from Google+
  • 7 came from the #ROW80 
  • 1 from the Linksy tools page
  • 1 from my Twitter bio.
Onwards to today's writing goal!


  1. Hmmm...this Logan sounds like an interesting guy! Good luck with the rest of this week.

  2. Soooooo.... when do we get to read this story again? One line, and I'm already hooked!

    Congrats on hitting the daily goal!

  3. Hi Jamila
    I'm working on it as fast as it will come to me. I'm trying to finish the first draft as one of my ROW80 goals.

    I *hope* I have something readable soon.
